Freedom Institute

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Ryan Wade, MD

Eastern Virginia School of Medicine, MD
Yale University School of Medicine, Fellowship
Joined Freedom Institute in 2023

Ryan Wade, MD is the Medical Director of Freedom Institute. Dr. Wade provides addiction psychiatry consultation expertise to Freedom Institute’s staff individually and as a collective. Collaborating closely with our Director of Clinical Services, Caroline Kern, LMHC, Dr. Wade provides oversight of Freedom Institute’s clinical team; the development and revision of policies, procedures, and ongoing training of our clinicians; and ensures Freedom Institute’s program compliance with all federal, state, and local laws and regulations. In addition, Dr. Wade is responsible for providing medical clearance and psychiatric evaluations for our clients.

Dr. Wade is a board-certified Addiction Psychiatrist who earned his medical degree from and completed a general psychiatry residency at Eastern Virginia Medical School, followed an Addiction Psychiatry fellowship at Yale University School of Medicine, where he was the first fellow to train primarily at the Connecticut Mental Health Center.

Dr. Wade is currently the Director of Addiction Services at Silver Hill Hospital and is the lead psychiatrist for their Dual-Diagnosis Transitional Living Program, in addition to maintaining academic appointments at both Eastern Virginia Medical School and Yale University School of Medicine.

Dr. Wade also serves as Medical Director for multiple telehealth startups and as a collaborating physician for several Psychiatric/Mental Health Nurse Practitioners.